eLearning Hub is a SAAS based application where indivisual teacher can manage their students from any where.

Build Strong relationship with teahcer and Teacher
Lifetime accessable class and resources
Easy and flexiable user interface

Inspired from aiub portal

How Teacher will benefit ?

✓ Can Cerate class and manage class List

✓ Can accpet student request and enroll their class.

✓ check enroll and Request student list.

✓ Upload notes and notices to those classes.

✓ Take attendecne of those created class.

✓ Can create assignments for student

✓ Can Check stubmited assignment List

How student will benefit ?

✓ Can send a request to enroll in any class.

✓ check enroll and Requeste class list.

✓ Student will have access to class notes

✓ Student can check notice, if teacher made any

✓ Can Check their assaignment and submit it

✓ Can Check Attendence History

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